abstract concepts swimming in the river of humanity

26 November 2008

becoming friends with the awkward

i have a friend. shes great. shes one of those types of people who listen, i mean, really listen. she takes on the problems of other folks and is a support and encouragement. its brilliant.

funny thing is we have been talking lately about the idea of how we accept grace. it seems like in most instances, we can extend grace to others but its hard to accept it for ourselves. its become something where its fine to extend an ear and acceptance to other folks but its harder to realize it for oneself. the obstacles to accepting it is the vulnerability and awkwardness that comes in being honest and open about yourself. how things you make you feel that you don't want other folks to know about.

i think part of maturing is becoming friends with the awkward and facing things head on. insecurity comes in hiding but ultimately knowing that grace is secure allows people to become friends with the awkward and cozy up to the vulnerable.

if this is a bunch of abstract drivel, i apologize.

22 November 2008

buckets of grace

you know when people do some painting and they have paint all over them, different colors melding into this cool design thats splattered all over? or when people do the whole paint-fight bit where they dress up in white-canvas onesy painting gear and throw all kinds of colors over each other?

i think grace might be a bit like that.

17 November 2008

poetry is in the streets

i believe this is true.

13 November 2008

alternative vision take 1

from kerouac's dharma bums.....

'yessir, that's what, a series of monasteries for fellows to go and monastate and meditate in, we can have groups of shacks up in the Sierras or the High Cascades or even Ray says down in Mexico and have big wild gangs of pure holy men getting together to drink and talk and pray, think of the waves of salvation can flow out of nights like that, and finally have women, too, wives, small huts with religious families, like the old days of the Puritans. Who's to say the cops of America and the Republicans and Democrats are gonna tell everybody what to do?'

Resonates and resounds within my soul.

familiarity breeds positivity

in sum, i have returned mentally to the comfortable places.

you know when you are shuffling through your itunes, you see something you haven't listened to in ages, you press play and turn up the volume? thats what listening to them has been like. specifically, the first ep. it brings me back to california, to places like the canal and the focus and fox run flat. places that were comfortable and free and unique and true. kind of like the kingdom of God.

i can't wait to return to the comfortable places with these folks.

07 November 2008

loads of random

what the flip?

05 November 2008

the greatest

this has to be the greatest election coverage interview given last night. period. i laughed for at least 20 minutes.

04 November 2008

happy halloween.

from the wwf tag team champions.

02 November 2008

cheers drewski

i like politics. and i love jesus. and with whats going on in california at the moment, i think this kind of thinking is necessary.